Hospice in the Weald

Hospice in the Weald

About us

Hospice in the Weald provides care completely free of charge to patients with a terminal illness, their families and carers in West Kent and Northern East Sussex. This means we are there 24 hours a day to help, support and care for patients with an illness where a cure is no longer possible, and for patients who will at some stage die from their illness, whenever that may be (you may hear this referred to as “palliative care”).

People are often confused by what a Hospice actually does. So, when you first visit this website it’s important to understand the range of support Hospice in the Weald can provide­. Our care and vital services provide physical and medical support to help with pain or other symptom control, as well as emotional support (psychological, social or spiritual) from the day someone is told they have a terminal illness, throughout their treatment and continuing illness or death.

It’s not just at the end of life that Hospice in the Weald can help. We want to ensure that anyone affected by a terminal illness, whether you are a patient, a family member or carer, has the best possible quality of life from the moment of diagnosis. Counselling and support are an essential part of Hospice in the Weald's philosophy of care.

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